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the weekly post

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the weekly post Empty the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:50 pm

every week i will post what is going on within the clan .... from my point of view and from others point of view ... if you want your voice heard in this topic you Private message me aka PM telling what you think should be within the post or an artical that you wrote your self ... you can have me sign your name in the artical or you can have it be anonimus .... i will delete any posts added to this topic kk ... dont post on this topic its for the clan ..... ok so now i will give the first ever .... WEEKLY POST!!!!

this week within the clan x-death-x has been recently promoted to shaman ... in my view death is a good person and can offer alot to the clan. the only thing that i see that is bad is that he doesnt recruit as much. but if i base his skills off of recruiting skills alone then all the shamans would be usless :/ even the chieftain.

clan trpg has not had a successful clan rp in weeks so Duke Nukem is leaving it up to the clan to decide when they want clan rp's to be held and of course the chief will try to make it every time (because he is on all day and night but only when he goes to school and to his dads is he not allowed on the comp).

plans for next week include recruiting from the chief and hopfully his shamans as well. next week clan trpg hopes to have its first clan rp in weeks! this concludes the weekly post

IT OK!!!!!!!!

(from Vice.) and to help with that i'm locking this forum, bear can unlock it when he wants to post some thing.

Last edited by St.Vice on Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : helping out a wee bit.)
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:53 pm

ok just to add the next official post for this will be on sunday/ monday ... i say sunday/ monday because sometimes during the weekend i go to my dads .... so i wont really have time to post everything that happens just the shiz that i know >_> and vice i dont think you can moderate this forum .... only i can :/

and also the next shaman will not be souly chosen on peace making skills and somewhat rping skills .... the next shaman has to be a better than average rper >_> because he will need to rp very well to gain the trust of ppl to recruit them. that is right im hiring a recruiting shaman (death your good but you could use some help :/)
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:34 pm

this week in clan trpg has been focusing on recruiting new and loyal members. the clan has been alittle inactive so chieftain dukenukem3d has kicked the inactive people out of the clan (all of them had 40+ days). the post war between monty and deadlydoom has finally come to an end and. although the post war is at a stand still tentions still stand high between the two battle torn warriors (:p). thanks to st.vice the post war has come to a cease fire no thanks to the incompitant leader dukenukem (lol).

this upcoming week in clan trpg dukenukem and all the shamans will be focusing on recruitment and getting members active within the forums. dukenukem3d is currently looking for the next shaman to help guide the fearless clan into the future. as always duke never takes a huge step within the clan without consulting his advisors st.vice and monty. (this is just a general statement) although duke may be the clan leader and can be very vengeful he would never turn away a fellow clan member in need. remember duke is always open to suggestions.

to give input on the weekly post you may private message either dukenukem if you dont care about it not being private if you want it to be confidential and private you private message st.vice and he will give me the artical/input on the weekly post.
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:08 pm

this week in clan trpg has been a long uneventful week because of thanksgiving and holiday shopping. the chief dukenukem3d has decided that he will try to organize a mass clan rp. the clan rp will have nothing to do with sotdrp but will be in D&D a game that he has helped test and edit. he is hoping that members will join this rp with an open mind to D&D and will not be like "OMG DND IS GAY!" like others have said before.

the new recruits in the clan have been testing a game that they have been putting alot of time and effort into. the game was created by babbity_rabbity and X_hellfire_X. the game details are best described by the creators.

as for any upcoming sotdrp roleplay the chief will not be organizing it. the chief duke nukem wants all to know that its not just up to him but its up to all members to organize clan rp's. as always the clan will be looking for new members to join the clan at all times.

to give input on the weekly post you may private message either dukenukem if you dont care about it not being private if you want it to be confidential and private you private message st.vice and he will give me the artical/input on the weekly post.
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:19 pm

this week in clan trpg has been a long and hard one for many members. the chief duke nukem was sick on thursday and friday so he couldnt do much.

as always the clan leaders will be focusing on recruiting and all that. Duke has decided that a clan rp will be held tuesday no matter if no one is there or if everyone is there. a recent thing has happened to the chief that only happens once a year HES TURNED 17!!!! duke might not be on as much due to getting new games and shiz.

the chief would like all members to remember that its not just up to him to schedual clan rp's but its up to all members to participate or even plan the entire rp. Duke kinda gets tired from organizing it all >_>.

to give input on the weekly post you may private message either dukenukem if you dont care about it not being private if you want it to be confidential and private you private message st.vice and he will give me the artical/input on the weekly post.
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:29 pm

so .... been a while since i've last posted the weekly post .... duke has been working with shadowbutterfly productions (lol) in order to help test out his new server ... duke has successfully gotten on the server but took almost 2 days for him to figure out ... when asked about why it took him so long he had this to say... "it needs to be more idiot proof".

st.vice has sworn off wc3 for ever to my knowledge and monty for the 8th consecutive time has quit and asked to rejoin clan trpg ... clan trpg has been looking for new clan members and duke wants you to all know he needs help getting them in the clan because he cant do this alone ...

that is all for the weekly post >_>
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

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the weekly post Empty Re: the weekly post

Post  DukeNukem cheif Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:01 pm

this week in clan trpg has been a long one with the mass recruiting of new members. almost 10 new members have joined the clan. the chief duke has been insulted by a clan mate who was rude, insulting, kinda a douch, and all around bad rper. this clan mate had the balls to call him a noob rper after he tried defending accusations made on the clan mate that he was a douch to everyone and that he sucked at rping. the clan mate will be kicked from the clan and duke hopes he rots in hell.

clan rp's have been starting back up again. duke hopes he will be able to get one clan rp in a week if not 2 or 3. Duke has recently taken on alot of projects with clan rp's and stuff. remember PM me if you need something posted in the weekly post
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

Posts : 519
Join date : 2008-09-09
Age : 32
Location : your face biatch

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