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Post  DukeNukem cheif Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:23 pm

i havent been getting much input on how good i am running the clan so i started this topic to try and get some ideas on what i can do better. and i will post on here what i think as a clan you guys can do to make the clan much better

i will start off. there are only a select few in the clan whom care about what i do to the clan and the others only care about clan rp's or they dont care about the clan at all and are just here to be in a clan. so here is what i am suggesting. i will start booting ppl from the clan whom are not atleast somewhat interested in the clan (basicly the ppl whom never get on and when they are on they go from the channel to the custom games list within 0.001 seconds). i will start looking for quality members to join our clan but i cant do this alone guys. your part of the clan to and i would appreciate alittle help with finding new quality members to join and take an interest in the clan. also please more activity on the forums .... only 6-7 people actually post and the others only signed up so i would stop asking them. and 2 of the active posters are not even in the clan >Sad

please give me your input on the clan and what either the clan can do better and what i or the shamans can do better to make the clan more enjoyable
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

Posts : 519
Join date : 2008-09-09
Age : 32
Location : your face biatch

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suggestion box Empty Re: suggestion box

Post  DukeNukem cheif Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:31 pm

ok now we have vent he he he he he

vent server:
port: 3926

woo hoo sign up for it and we will all be an epic clan
DukeNukem cheif
DukeNukem cheif

Posts : 519
Join date : 2008-09-09
Age : 32
Location : your face biatch

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