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Monty's guide to Murloc Builder.

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Monty's guide to Murloc Builder. Empty Monty's guide to Murloc Builder.

Post  Monty. Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:16 pm

Monty's Murloc Guide.

Murloc Builder: 300hp, 125 Attack damage and his escape skills are Teleport (360 second cooldown) and Panic, which accelerates your builder to go faster than the titan (even with slow poison.) (10 seconds with an 80 second cooldown)

Murloc Titan Hunter (from level one): Attack: 130 Chaos(Melee) Armor: 10 (Hero) Hitpoints-876 Mana-600 Skills- Blink, Siphon mana and Avatar. (Expert hunter upgrade Grants +200hp, +200 mana, +20 Attack damage and +60 Movement speed and the Pulverise ability, 15% chance to stun a target for 1.5 seconds. *Passive*)

Murloc Pro's and Cons.


-Builder isn't easy to catch (Teleport and panic)
-He does not require gold to kick ass. (Or build towers)
-Can upgrade damage to his towers with Flaming Darts once they are mega.
-He can have 15 armor 650hp walls (With research)
-He can seed to prevent lumber base feed.
-Towers have 2nd highest range (1000)
-His hunter can swim. His hunter also has an excellent bash ability. a 15% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds. Those 1.5 seconds can win you the game.


Builder only has one inventory space.
Lumber bases can generate a lot of feed if found frequently.
The main builder is very weak having only 300hp and Medium Armor
Seeds and bases that are caught in-the-making can be big feed.

Towers, Walls, and Gold Towers

Murloc Walls

Clay wall 5 armor, 250 hit points.
Stone wall 500 hit points (650 with upgrade) and 15 armor.

Murloc Towers

Dart tower 25 Piercing Damage, 600 range, 4 Heavy armor, 250 Hit points.
Enhanced Dart tower 35 pierce damage, 600 range, 4 heavy armor, 300 Hit points
Super dart tower 45 Pierce damage, 700 range, 350 hit points, 4 heavy armor.
Mega dart tower 55 pierce damage (60 with flaming darts) 900 range, (1000 with long darts) 400hp, 4 heavy armor.

Super Towers

Magic Pearl (90 gold, 2500 lumber, 1 food) 20 Fortified armor, 1100 Range, 100 Piercing damage and Each attack burns 50 mana. Held as an item it Drains mana with each hit.

Tropical Glyph (90 gold, 2500 lumber, 1 food) 20 Fortified armor, 1000 Range 100 Piercing damage and an aura which grants Nearby units +20% Attack damage. When held, it grants +35 attack damage and the 20% attack aura

Sludge Launcher (90 gold. 2500 lumber, 1 food) 20 fortified armor, 850 range, 100 piercing damage and deals 5 damage a second while reducing the titans movement speed and attack rate.
When held, it slows attacked unit's movement speed and attack rate.

Sacred Seashell (135 gold, 3500 lumber, 1 food) 20 fortified armor 1000 range and 170 Chaos damage. Can heal a selected unit or structure for 600hp. (80 second cooldown.)
Held as an item it adds +10 to all stats and +20 damage (It says +30 however, it really is +20)

Murloc's Role in the Game
Murloc, being the cute little spiky backed guy he is, Has one clear-cut Role in the game. To base. He isn't suited for much else other than making a base.

Murloc Walling Middle

If either those bad teammates are not walling at all or just walling like crackheads, You must wall yourself. My preferred walling is in the bottom right corner using the typical 3 wall style

Early Game (30 - 15 minutes)

Typical Lumber Basing

So? Lucky you either randomed or picked our cute little friend, the Murloc! Objective- Making a lumber base. There are many places suited for lumber bases. My preferred are far left or very top left.
Move to the lumber base of your choice, Set up some fruit trees so they block the path of either side, build your shelters, then once you have 150/150 population, kill the fruit trees and replace the ones that are blocking the entrances with walls. (upgrade them later)

Deny the fruit trees by having them all attack each other and using shift a, have the
last two attack eachother. this will kill all the trees without the builder having to help. Research the lumber upgrade and during that, Build the Spawning grounds. Upgrade your walls to stone and and when you see the titan, Get your spiky butt to the middle (Do NOT waste teleport, and only leave when you have sight of the titan.) and begin golding at the mound. (If the titan hasn't grabbed a minion.) When the first lumber upgrade is done, research the second.

You can also 2 shot the two bottom shelters, repair them a tiny bit then hit them again, and leave two fruit trees with low hp there to kill them, then eachother.

Advantages to this lumber base
1)This lumber base isn't common. Concealing it for longer periods of time.
2)Most workers are pretty close to shelters, while only having 3 shelters.
4)The Workers can't be nuked before the titan begins attacking the lumber base.
5)Shouldn't take more than 3 walls to set up.
6)Shouldn't take more than two minutes to set up
7)The titan will not run across this when hopping between bases.

This one is a bit special. In this one, you will notice that all of my structures are low hit points and i didn't deny two fruit trees.

Why? Because in this base, you detonate your workers, AND you select both fruit trees, hold shift and A down, and click on the Spawning grounds, both shelters and finally, each other. The only feed the titan gets is the gold from the upgraded walls he destroyed to get in.

(I suggest you detonate your workers first. So that if you are a bit slow or the titan is high level, you have the workers denied first and the workers are better feed than a few shelters and fruit trees)

Advantages to this lumber base
1)You generate extremely little feed.
2)You can rebuild this as many times as you want, seeing as no feed is generated.
3)Workers are close to the shelters, while only having two to deny.
4) If you put the walls on the bottom side across the watery area, your workers can't be nuked before the titan starts smashing your walls.
5)The titan will not run into this while running inbetween bases
6)Shouldn't take more that 2 minutes to set up. (It might take more to get the hp of everything to the right level)


This is a less common however still effective method. It is useful when there are few Goblins or demonologists and nobody is doing this already. Leave the mound and go to a normal lumber base. Do one of the above strategies. Seeding takes a long time and can hinder the amount of gold you get. (Gold isn't essential for Murloc but it can be very useful)

Once a player dies, or you have all the gold you want, you can wait until your current lumber base to die or get right into seeding. To seed you go to the common goblin/demonologist spot and build a fruit free outside and a shelter inside. squish some workers to the trees and move on to the right. Build one there and a tree, then after it head to the right near the water next to the new base, and continue south all the way, then west all the way, then north, Hitting every seed you can. And keep building trees until you have 6.
Note that seeding can make a LOT of feed if the titan is persistant with nuking. If the titan starts going reckless and nukes everything in his sight, it would be wise to lumber in your base. You can return them back to their little seeds when they have 400hp.

Seeds are where you can put a shelter in a hole that has a 1x1 entrance, however the shelter can not be attacked except for mini-minis.
(Seeds can generate a lot of feed against a nuke hugging titan.) If he's persistant, lumber in a normal base.

Advantages to seeding

1)This generates less gold feed than a conventional lumber base.
2)You never have to rebuild shelters unless mini minis attack them.
3)You have a lot of extra cosy base space that would otherwise be used for harvesters.


Murloc Death Trap
So, what do you do if a titan killed one of your little buddies early on (which isn't uncommon.)
And you don't even get the chance to gold? Are there any demonologists to build a trap? Are there any taurens or magnataurs or morphlings or natures (with the hunters) to build a trap? If there are not any, you might have to do so yourself.

What you do is you build an area of walls that has a 2x2 pathway through, and put an upgraded wall at the end.(it would be nicer to have someone who doesn't base, so they don't need the lumber as much, and just show them how to build the trap.) Use your hunter to lure the minion into the walls (Do not attack the minion, just get close and drag him.) Iff the minion follows, have him go all the way into the walls and then blink your hunter behind him to block him. Then build a wall behind him with your builder and make him unable to wind walk out. Remember to upgrade the walls that the minion will have in his reach if he is in the trap.

Now rally any nearby builders and begin an attacking fest. You go into the walls. Start attacking the minion and when you see him do an attack animation headed at you, run.

I suggest you get all the help you can from any other builders that have titan hunters or are meant to fight the titan. (Magnataur, Morphling, Satyr or Tauren) the Murloc hunter isn't the best tank and he isn't all too hard to kill.

If the titan comes when you are doing this, blink your hunter into the walls, then when the cool down resets, blink him to the shallow water and have him swim away! If the titan has a (seemingly) bad micro, it will be a lot easier to do because the titan won't pull back the minion every time you try this.
It will be quite a bit more difficult to do this if you do not have any teammates to help you. So whine and cry and force them to help you. Otherwise, you may have a hard time.

Mid Game (15-0 minutes on GP)

This is the time where most bases are constructed. Usually you are done Golding and the titan killed someone. There are a few good murloc bases, my preferred are the top left circle or the mid left base. Begin to base when you have 13000+ lumber preferably. (I suggest ONLY letting someone wall you if you KNOW them!) Use the Inward arrow where you build inside, then 3 walls to each side, and one wall on top. (Make the middle and side walls uneven and you get an extra wall if the titan turns to either side.) There are two fruit tree methods which i use for this base. This one has all 6 trees in a line. the advantage is that there is an escape route. the disadvantage is that there is a lot of unusable space.

This is the one I prefer for the base. It uses all 6 trees in sets of twos. It may block the exit, but you can kill the trees if you need to. This one has plenty of space for putting your upgrade buildings. Put down all of your fruit trees, then Spawning grounds and then create all the walls using reverse arrow and get about 24 towers. Later in the game when you have extra lumber, go for 36ish. As you are building, upgrade all the towers previously made and the walls. Now make shelters if you need to.
The advantages to this base are:

1)The workers can be nukable, however not easily or not at all if you have a lot of towers and less workers.
2)You have a wide LOS near your base, meaning you can't easily get snuck up on unless the titan is in windwalk.
3)Theres a back entrance for you to run out of if you need to get away from the titan. (If Teleport is on cooldown.)
4) Unlike some bases, it only requires one set of walls in the middle part.


1)This base isn't too easy to blink proof or especially, magmide proof. There isn't too much space to put down a magmide trap. (a walled off area with a 2x2 spot in the middle)
2)Workers CAN sometimes be nukable.
3)It will be harder to block with titan hunter or turtles, given that the entrance is 4 spaces wide, you have to
have two turtles and the turtles have to be blocking any 2x2 gaps. And your titan hunter has to be perfectly in the middle to block the titan.
4) Quite a few of your towers are vulnerable to lucidious' ultimate, saturation. This can destroy all of your front line towers.

Here is another base. Called the "Butterfly" or "Uterus" base. I suggest you only build the very back towers when you have the range upgrade. Remember that this base has easily nukable workers. So if the big bad titan pearls above you, detonate your workers. Or if he is Sypherious, Bubonicus or Granitacles, detonate if you see a pearl (If he's an idiot) or you see him on the edge of your base, or if he just nuked you already.

Here is a third base. The top left circle. This base has difficult (but not impossible) to nuke workers and a lot of tower potential. The main problem with this base is the space. You may need to seed (See above lumbering strategy) a bit to get full population with this base. You may also need to build all of your fruit trees outside of your base. But if the titan comes, kill them with eachother and towers. Do not build the trees outside unless you know where the titan is.

Another note is that you should build towers to a number divisible by 6. Such as, you either build 24 or 30 towers. If you make like 28 towers, thats lost food. 6 towers = 1 harvester.

Late Game (Past GP)

This is the very latest in the game. it comes down to how well the titan is fed, and how well you golded and constructed your base. Now that you have a shiny straw hut base and 90 gold + the rest you got from golding you have a few options

1: For people who got below 45 gold at the mound, make your Merchant and Advanced Research center.

2: For People who got 45-89 gold at the mound, make your merchant and an advanced research center. and get Expert hunter training if your hunter is lvl 5+. Otherwise, you can make a gold tower.

3: For people who got 90+ gold at the mound, make your merchant, either get a pretty seashell, or get an advanced research center, getting Expert Hunter training (If your hunter is lvl 5 +) and holding onto the other gold in hopes of another minion kill.

If you get any gold towers, Place them in the front of your base (Unless the titan is lucidious. His ultimate can k/o the towers.) If a gold tower is almost dead, transmute it. Some titans don't attack gold towers causing it to have a chance at survival.

Base tips and tricks
Theres many things you can do to help your base. Such as detonate vulnerable workers or block titans.
One thing you can do is when the titan sieges your base. try to predict when he will run. Then blink your hunter out (Use merchant summons if you have them) and block the titan in the base. He can wind walk through your hunter.

Another thing you can do is speed turtle blocking. This involves using a speed turtle. the tuirtle(s) can be blinked to block in the titan while sieging. Turtles are smaller and less noticeable than your hunter. The titan can wind walk through turtles.

There's also placing walls outside of your base, teleporting to them, panicing then walling in the titan. However this puts your main builder in jeopardy. build a wall behind a titan. If he isn't able to hurt your builder, finish and upgrade the wall.

And then, theres worker blocking. To do this, build two shelters In the tower spot thats touching three walls. When the titan comes to attack you, detonate some workers, then when hes about to run, rush workers at him. Detonate the workers afterwards to prevent feeding. This works best with the worker hp upgrade.


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Monty's guide to Murloc Builder. Empty Re: Monty's guide to Murloc Builder.

Post  Deadlynuke Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:33 pm

must've taken a long time to write

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